Bow wow wow yippie yo yippie yay…

Back in 1993 when Snoop Doggy Dogg first appeared on the scene with his name-laden-chorus-hook song "Who Am I? What's My Name?", I had the idea of doing a parody of that song about the comic strip "Peanuts", its main character Charlie Brown, and of course his dog Snoopy. I wrote the idea down in my notebook, but never started working on it mainly because I assumed that somebody somewhere was going to do the same idea. I figured everyone else was thinking the exact same thing that I was; that it was very, very silly that a supposedly big-bad, scary, tough gangsta rapper seriously named himself after a world famous cartoon dog.

17 or so years later, I'm going through my old notebooks looking for lost undone song ideas to talk about on my podcast, and I found "Snoopy The Dogg" written on my very first list of song parody ideas, and my mind boggled at the fact that to this day, still, nobody had ever recorded a comedy song tying "Snoop" to "Snoopy". And since Charles Schulz was such a huge inspiration to me both in art and comedy when I was very young, I figured it was time for me to stop being so wishy-washy and make this tribute tune a reality.

Backup vocals by Carrie Dahlby (the little red haired girl), cameo vocals by Chris Mezzolesta (beagle scout leader), Insane Ian (isn't he the cutest thing?), and the Stacey (naturally curly hair). Music by Jared Ringold (sly dog), additional instrumentation and mixdown by Bob Emmett (Daisy Hill Puppy Farmer).

by the great Luke Ski
Download it now for free at the Funny Music Project



I recently spent over 66 hours relistening to Episodes 0 through 31 of our podcast "Luke & Carrie's Bad Rapport", looking for the funniest moments from when we started in October 2009 through December of 2010. What happened is something astounding, I actually became sick of hearing my own voice. Thank goodness there are excerpts featuring our spouses, friends, and colleagues from the FuMP to break up the spoken word monotony of me. After whittling it down to 4 hours of clips, Carrie then selected the ones she felt were the funniest, and I arranged the 155 minutes of material in chronological order on a 2-CD set, which we debuted for sale at MarsCon last weekend. We sold 4 copies there. Four. And one of them was to Carrie's Dad, after she pestered him into buying it. So if you think Luke and Carrie occasionally say funny things and you'd like to help Luke think this project wasn't a colossal waste of his time, please give this double-length-album-fo r-the-price-of-one collection a try!

To order the CD version, $14 plus shipping:

To order the MP3 version, $9.99 download:

Track listing is at those pages. I hope some of you will give it a shot. Thanks. 🙂 ~ Luke

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