Episode #109 - Crusty Hummus
The Halloween spirit has arrived a little early this year, as Carrie tells us the creepy true story of the recent visit she and Alex made to a ‘Waldorf’ Preschool which she was seriously considering enrolling Alex in. That is, until she discovered that Alex would have been better off with a preschool run by Joe Carroll. I realize none of you get that joke pop-culture reference because I am the only person watching “The Following”, but trust me, that was funny. #kevinbacon Anyway, that takes up the first half of this very Carrie-centric episode. She also weighs in on the recent Bad Rapport episode Luke did with Stephanie in the Wisconsin Dells, and we have a sing along with Alex while he’s engaged in waste removal.
Also in this episode, Luke talks about going ‘camping’ with his in-laws, we read your comments from the last episode, and we play comedy tracks from Jonathan Coulton, Patton Oswalt, Adam Sandler, Whitney Avalon, “Weird Al” Yankovic, Shock G, Mike Guthrie, Pat McCurdy, the Rocky Horror Picture Show, Doug Walker & the great Luke Ski. Speaking of which, Luke will soon be re-doing his “Luke Ski Top 50″ Poll to determine his most popular songs among his fans, so be sure to repeatedly listen to his latest album “4th Grade Talent Show” on CD, MP3, or for free at Bandcamp so you know which tracks you’ll want to mark on the poll as personal favorites of yours. Listen as often as you like, and feel free to heckle the album as much as you want. There is no Statler of limitations. #statler #waldorf #wockawocka Episode length: 2:27:53
Listen, download, subscribe, leave COMMENTS @ http://badrapport.com
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Episode #25 - Estradacopter
This week, Kyle and Luke discuss Guardians of the Galaxy, are the Simpsons the new Beatles?, Planes: Fire & Rescue, Anastasia, Animalypics, Weapon Brown, and your letters!
Episode #26 - Orko, Slimer, Wicket, & Snarf
This week, Kyle and Luke are joined by Devo Spice from the Funny Music Podcast and Kevin Eldridge of the Flopcast as they talk about Luke’s new cartoon-related song, “Orko, Slimer, Wicket, and Snarf”!
Our website is http://www.kyleandluke.com , and please leave us
COMMENTS on our Facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/kyleandluke
Subscribe to our RSS feed at http://kyleandluke.libsyn.com/rss iTunes
Devo Spice and Luke Ski interview the artists who posted songs at the FuMP dot com over the past week. Recent episodes include:
Episode #221: Jace McClain of Nuclear Bubble Wrap and Dr. Vern of Sci-Fried
Episode #222: the great Luke Ski, TV's Kyle, & Kevin Eldridge of the Flopcast
Episode #223: Worm Quartet, Tony Goldmark & Kyle Kallgren
Note: FuMPcast Episode #222 contains within it Kyle & Luke Talk About Toons Episode #26 in a podcast crossover in which Kyle & Luke along with Devo Spice and Kevin Eldridge of the Flopcast discuss the song "Orko Slimer, Wicket, & Snarf"!
Webpage: http://www.thefump.com/podcast.php
RSS feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/funnymusic
The FuMPcast is recorded live on Thursday nights at 9:00 pm CST on Dementia Radio. To listen live, just take whatever audio program you use to listen to streaming audio online (WinAmp, iTunes, Windows Media Player, RealPlayer, etc.) and have it play the following address: http://dementiaradio.org:8027 . If you need more help tuning in, visit the Dementia Radio website, http://dementiaradio.org . Dementia Radio can also be heard on Roku.