Hire Luke Ski to draw caricatures for your holiday party or greeting card or whatever!

I hate to burst the bubble of any of you who are under the delusion that I am any kind of actual 'celebrity', but I still make over 75% of my living begging people for money in exchange for, as Mike Myers once called them, 'drorings'. So, if you live in Illinois or one of the states touching it, and you'd like to hire me to come out and draw at any kind of party you may be having in the upcoming holiday season, please check out my website Art By Luke Ski .com and contact me through there...


You can also check out my artwork at my Deviant Art page, where you can see my cartooning style as well as my caricature style. I can make cartoon or caricature images which you can use for your holiday greeting cards, or for whatever you need.

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