When we last did the Luke Ski Top 50 Poll to determine the fifty most popular tracks of mine among my fans, the top 5 were as follows: "Stealing Like A Hobbit", "You Don't Know Jack", "Grease Wars", "Fanboy", and "Snoopy The Dogg". Three years have passed, and my latest album "4th Grade Talent Show" has been out for 2 months, which means it's time to redo the poll to see how well my latest creations do when up against my classic fan-beloved-hits. Will the Logan-Award-winning juggernaut "When You Wish Upon A Death Star" claim the top spot? How about 2014's Dr. Demento Show hit, "Fake Adult"? What about "Scoob", "Neurotica", "Orko, Slimer, Wicket, & Snarf", and all the rest? Their placement on the list is all up to you, Luke Ski fans!
If you haven't heard all the main song tracks from my latest album "4th Grade Talent Show" yet, I would appreciate it if you'd go listen to them before voting on this poll. You can hear them all on my Bandcamp page for free.
Once you're up to speed, then go to http://surveymonkey.com/s/FX9FDD6 . Go down the list of songs (they are arranged chronologically by album), and if a song is a personal favorite of yours, click on it to vote for it. You can vote for as many as you want. At the bottom of the page, click "Done". I'll keep the poll open until midnight on Monday, October 27th, and announce the updated list soon after that. Thank you to all my fans for participating, I can't wait to see how "4th Grade Talent Show" rates against my hits of the past. 🙂