Luke Ski’s Podcast’s recent episodes – 12/15/2014


Episode #113 - Squirrel Family Options

LCBR113It’s our annual Christmas episode, which means it’s extra-stuffed full of funny holiday-related tracks from the likes of Paul & Storm, Phineas & Ferb,The Nick Atoms, Hot Waffles, Stephen Colbert, Elephant Larry,Epic Rap Battles Of History, the great Luke Ski, Mystery Science Theatre 3000, Patton Oswalt, Garfunkel & Oates, Smooth-E,Richard Cheese, St. Nick, & Devo Spice, and of course Alex the blonde-haired toddler.

For the first time in several months, Luke & Carrie were actually able to get together at a restaurant so they could record a podcast face to face, far away from other distractions and far close to bacon and nachos. In this episode: Carrie tells us of a creepy random encounter with a middle-aged man at a train festival, Luke instigates podcast inception by playing for Carrie a recording of TV’s Kyle talking on the FuMPcast as a means to break some awesomely good news to her, and Luke & Carrie both discuss comedy songs of theirs from the past that didn’t get as much fan love or specific attention as they thought they should have (not that we’re complaining, we’re just pondering why for the purposes of creating quasi-interesting podcast content for you all).

We also tell some ignorance stories and find out what happens when the pendulum of ignorance swings to the entirely opposite extreme, and read your comments from the past 2 episodes. So grab your hot cocoa, or your gelt, or your reindeer jerky or whatever, and enjoy the one episode of the year that’s unapologetically chock full of holiday onslaught. Episode Length: 2:49:50

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Episode #31 - No Toons, Just Tunes... For Christmas!


In lieu of a proper Toons episode due to Kyle-busy-ness, Luke Ski whipped up an episode full of podsafe funny holiday tunes by TV's Kyle, Luke Ski, and some of their cohorts from the Funny Music Project (, at least some content of which is cartoon-related. So enjoy everyone, and we'll be back in 2 weeks!




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Devo Spice and Luke Ski interview the artists who posted songs at the FuMP dot com over the past week. Recent episodes include:

Episode #233: The Boobles, Devo Spice, and Chris Mezzolesta
Episode #234: Bonecage

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The FuMPcast is recorded live on Thursday nights at 9:00 pm CST on Dementia Radio. To listen live, just take whatever audio program you use to listen to streaming audio online (WinAmp, iTunes, Windows Media Player, RealPlayer, etc.) and have it play the following address: . If you need more help tuning in, visit the Dementia Radio website, . Dementia Radio can also be heard on Roku.

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