The 80's were the golden years for cross-platform media franchises aimed at kids & pre-teens. It didn't matter what medium your favorite cast of characters originated from, chances were it was also being represented in other places, be it television, movies, cartoons, video games, Toys R Us, or even the breakfast cereal aisle. And one thing that was an essential part of any of these fictional universes, was having a character whose sole purpose was to appeal to kids by either being cute and cuddly, or by being the wacky comic relief, often both at the same time. But as many kids grew up and became 'too cool' for characters like that, they turned their backs on them and left them behind, scoffing at their former beloved imaginary pals as 'lame' and 'for babies'. I couldn't help but wonder what became of all of those 80's media franchise mascot-type characters and their similar Hollywood creature friends from that era, and how they might feel now about being betrayed by the generation of kids that they spent years getting paid good money to entertain. I'd like to think that this song accurately represents their feelings on the matter. So if you're about 40, meaning you spent ages 5 through 15 growing up during this glorious time, this one is for you.
The totally awesome music for this radical track was put together by the tubular TV's Kyle Carrozza, who based it on the respective theme songs of the four titular characters of this piece. This track is from my gnarly new album "4th Grade Talent Show". Until next time, be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes!
"Orko, Slimer, Wicket, & Snarf"
by the great Luke Ski
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