We interrupt your regularly scheduled comedy music tracks that the general public will understand so that the FuMP can pay tribute to one of it's own. Kyle Carrozza, a.k.a. "TV's Kyle", who by day works as an artist in television animation, has been one of the Funny Music Project's most frequent comedy song contributors ever since being made an Auxiliary artist back in July of 2008, both under his own name and as a part of the bloopcore-quirkhop duo "Scooter Picnic". On October 4th, 2014, Kyle married his long-time girlfriend Lindsay, who is perfectly matched to Kyle in awesomeness and artisticness. Their wedding reception had a 'Variety Hour' show which lasted 176 minutes, culminating in surprising Kyle with this new track, a parody of the TV's Kyle song "I Like Pie", summing up many of the reasons why we at the FuMP all like Kyle so much. For more Kyley-goodness, you can visit his Bandcamp page, his Deviant Art page, or listen to the podcast he and I do together, "Kyle & Luke Talk About Toons".
Lead vocals: the great Luke Ski, Insane Ian, Chris Mezzolesta of Power Salad
Back-up vocals: Dino-Mike and Kornflake
Bridge monologuers: Devo Spice, Grant Baciocco of Throwing Toasters, DJ Particle, and Carrie Dahlby
Cameo at the beginning of the song: TV's Kyle & Lindsay
Music by Bonecage
Mix by Chris Mezzolesta
You can download "I Like Kyle" now at the FuMP: http://www.thefump.com, it will be a free download through November 6th. And again, super huge congrats and much love and hugs to Kyle & Lindsay, two of Luke & Sara's favorite people! 😀 <3 #pie