Episode #114.5 - MarsCon 2015 Dementia Track Fund Raiser Preview
This is not a regular episode of Bad Rapport, this is a commercial for MarsCon 2015 and this year’s Dementia Track Fund Raiser 3-CD & MP3 sets, which you can purchase at MarsCon Dementia dot com.
Songs played:
* Strictly Speaking – TV’s Kyle, featuring Power Salad
* Shut Up, Ian! – Insane Ian
* Eskimo Pie Is Not Pie And Contains Very Little Eskimo – Worm Quartet
* Almost Parent Time – Carrie Dahlby, featuring Earl ‘Wyngarde’ Luckes
* I’d By That For A Dollar (Four Quarters Ultimix)
- Scooter Picnic & the great Luke Ski, featuring Lindsay Carrozza
* The Bitch Song – Henry Phillips
* Best Phone – Cirque du So What?
* Toenails – Kornflake
* Pico & Sepulveda – Power Salad,
featuring the MarsCon 2014 Dementia Track Performers
Episode length: 40:00
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Episode #33 - It's Totally Not Purple
This week, Kyle and Luke talk about The Book of Life, Penguins of Madagascar, Inside Out, that Flintstones WWE thingee, a true tale of commissioned art ignorance from Luke, and your letters! Oh, also Kyle brings Kamen Rider Drive into the conversation because he has to inject Kamen Rider into everything.
Our website is http://www.kyleandluke.com , and please leave us
COMMENTS on our Facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/kyleandluke
Subscribe to our RSS feed at http://kyleandluke.libsyn.com/rss iTunes
Devo Spice and Luke Ski interview the artists who posted songs at the FuMP dot com over the past week. Recent episodes include:
Episode #238: Mikey Mason, Dino-Mike, and Eclectic Lee
Webpage: http://www.thefump.com/podcast.php
RSS feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/funnymusic
The FuMPcast is recorded live on Thursday nights at 9:00 pm CST on Dementia Radio. To listen live, just take whatever audio program you use to listen to streaming audio online (WinAmp, iTunes, Windows Media Player, RealPlayer, etc.) and have it play the following address: http://dementiaradio.org:8027 . If you need more help tuning in, visit the Dementia Radio website, http://dementiaradio.org . Dementia Radio can also be heard on Roku.