Episode #119 - It’s Gwar Meets Cars And Trucks And Things That Go

LCBR119 copyIt’s been a month, so here’s a 4-hour long episode. I ain’t even gonna pretend like I care that it’s that long. Besides, it’ll be something people can listen to traveling on their way to FuMPFeST 2015which starts in less than a week. So let me see if I can remember all of what’s in this episode…

Our first segment is a “Rapport Of Destiny” segment where Carrie is joined by the one and only Moonbeam of the podcast “Blasted Bill & Moonbeam’s Pod Of Destiny”. Capping that segment is a recording from one of Carrie’s YouTube videos in which Alex has a highly inquisitive conversation with his father Josh.

Next Carrie and I chat and she tells me all about what she’s been doing this month, including seeing “Mad Max: Fury Road”, her summation of which is the title of this episode. Then we read a whole bunch of your comments from the past few episodes which WordPress had been hiding from me for months.

Next, Carrie is joined by Ken Sherlock of “Let’s call Ken” fame, as they talk about seeing the movie “UHF” live at the Music Box Theatre in Chicago, which was followed by a Q&A with“Weird Al” Yankovic and director Jay Levey.

Then Luke is joined by Insane Ian via Skype to tell us what he’s been up to the past month, including the exciting long-awaited release of “Mighty Magiswords” content to the world via Cartoon Network’s website and the “Cartoon Network Anything” App (Get the details at Luke’s website). Then we wrap up by Luke finishing off his list of unused song ideas, with Ian throwing in a couple of his own.

This week’s comedy & music tracks are by Ron Low, Monty Python, Family Guy, “Weird Al” Yankovic, Kyle Kallgren & Tony Goldmark, Epic Rap Battles Of History, mc chris, Mikey Mason, The Boobles, Heathcliff & The Catillac Cats, TV’s Kyle & the great Luke Ski, Duck Dodgers, T-Spoon, “Chicago”, Raymond & Scum, and Garden Fresh.

Until next time, Bad Rapport just won’t be outdone. You should realize, we can win it with YOU! #obscure80scartoonthemesonglyrics Episode length: 4:00:55 Special thanks to Brett Glass for the pun used in the episode art, and to TV’s Kyle for the MagiSword drawing of me. I did the drawing of Carrie.

Listen, download, subscribe, leave COMMENTS @ http://badrapport.com
You can leave a VOICE MESSAGE for us by dialing (916)-LUKE-SKI
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Episode #43 - Cat Grumps
This week: We finally have a theme song! We talk about the things we reference in the theme song, particularly the verse about Heathcliff and the Catillac Cats. Also, Spiral not shutting up is the new status quo.

Episode #44 - Statue Of Skills
This week, Kyle and Luke interview Lindsay Carrozza, the character designer for Mighty Magiswords!

Episode #45 - Well, I Won't Sue You
Toons45 400
This week, Kyle and Luke talk about Mighty Magiswords live on stage at FuMPfest 2015, then along with Lindsay Smith Carrozza and voice actress Tia Ballard, they react to Pixar’s Inside Out! Wow, we finally got one in while the movie was still in its opening weekend! Note: There’s one brief uncensored curse from Luke somewhere in the Inside Out section. I don’t have time to find it.

Our website is http://www.kyleandluke.com , and please leave us
COMMENTS on our Facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/kyleandluke
Subscribe to our RSS feed at http://kyleandluke.libsyn.com/rss iTunes


Episode 207: Joe Nobody and the Beast Machine
In this very special episode of The Scope, Jared, Adam, and Shane catch up with Friend of the Show, Luke Ski. Luke’s been up to some interesting shenanigans lately, and who’s better than your Scope hosts to get all the details? Answer: NO ONE. If you listen carefully to the interview, you’ll learn about Luke’s Toys “R” Us days, his cross country trip to California, and his new job at The Cartoon Network (featuring TV's Kyle Carrozza, creator of Cartoon Network's "Mighty MagiSwords"). It’s a great story that demands your full attention. So get to it, won’t you? The Scope Episode 207 is on an all soda diet and totally into binge watching old TV shows.

Link: http://www.thescopeshow.com/episodes/episode-207-joe-nobody-and-the-beast-machine/


Devo Spice and Luke Ski interview the artists who posted songs at the FuMP dot com over the past week. Recent episodes include:

Episode #257: Bonecage, TV's Kyle & the great Luke Ski
Episode #258: Smashy Claw and Undercover Funtime
Episode #259: Jace McLain of Nuclear Bubble Wrap and Robert Lund
Episode #260: Insane Ian, the great Luke Ski, Doug Walker "The Nostalgia Critic", & Tony Goldmark
Episode #261: Carla Ulbrich and Insane Ian

Webpage: http://www.thefump.com/podcast.php
RSS feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/funnymusic

The FuMPcast is recorded live on Thursday nights at 9:00 pm CST on Dementia Radio. To listen live, just take whatever audio program you use to listen to streaming audio online (WinAmp, iTunes, Windows Media Player, RealPlayer, etc.) and have it play the following address: http://dementiaradio.org:8027 . If you need more help tuning in, visit the Dementia Radio website, http://dementiaradio.org . Dementia Radio can also be heard on Roku.